Senior Pastor John Geiter
As the Senior Pastor I help to lead our church through preaching, teaching and equipping us to be transformed disciples. One of my great desires is that we will grow to look like, sound like, and smell like Jesus. I cannot think of one thing I would rather do more than be a Pastor here.
Associate Pastor David Mettler
As the Associate Pastor of Family Ministries, I work alongside the senior pastor as well as the children’s and youth ministry teams. Together we seek to grow resilient followers of Christ by being a community where all generations are mutually edified by the gifts, talents, and lives of each other. I’m excited that Gateway is a place where both young and old can model transparency in our growing love relationship to the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
Pastor of Visitation Richard LaFever
As Pastor of Visitation indicates, I visit people primarily wanting or needing prayer. This often includes visits to emergency rooms, hospitals , rehabilitation facilities or home visits. I can also be requested to visit for social reasons , questions or other specific reasons. I am so thankful that Gateway believes in the power of prayer and I enjoy seeing God work in peoples lives.
Administrative Assistant Sandy Mendez
As the Administrative Assistant I facilitate all the church events as needed. I really enjoy using my creativity on these projects! I love that I have opportunities to help people, pray with them, and make connections with the Church family of Gateway and our community on a daily basis.
Treasurer Paul Snedecor
As Church Treasurer my ministry oversees all the finances of the church. I enjoy working with churches, helping them to be good stewards of the funds God has provided. I really enjoy working at Gateway with great leadership, staff and such a faithful congregation.